Those Clouds Will Never Come Back

Hold on just a little longer...

We were on our way to church on a Sunday night. This was a few years back. Steph was a teeny little girl back then with huge gorgeous eyes, a mop of crazy wild brown hair, and what have become known as “spaghetti arms.”

I believe Jessie was probably the baby because Steph was in her car seat directly behind the driver’s seat where I was navigating our 15 passenger van. Jessie’s baby seat would have been two seats over, right behind Vikki. That would be closest to the side van door. Easy access.

It must have been summer because the sun shone brightly in spite of the rapidly approaching evening. Huge puffy cotton candy clouds were lazily drifting across the other wise clear blue sky.

Little Steph must have been watching the clouds and thinking.

“Daddy.” She called out.

“Yes, honey.” I answered. I knew a question was coming.

“Can you see those clouds? They are moving.”

“Uh, huh. I can see them. They look pretty cool, don’t they?”

“Yes. Daddy, will those clouds ever come back?”

I had to think for just a moment, not really sure what she meant.

“No, Steph. Those clouds will never come back. Once they move by, they are gone forever.”

She didn’t respond. I assume she went back to watching the clouds float by or whatever had captured her attention next.

Now years later, I am pretty sure she doesn’t even remember that conversation. But I have.

You see life has sent us our fair share of cloudy days.

Some have been simple rain clouds that bring refreshing and renewing rain. Others have been those huge blankets of flannel-like clouds that choke out sun and cast a sepia hue on reality.

Others have been like those roaring Midwest thunderstorms that send many to their basements cowering in fear and trepidation. Disruptive and destructive they send us scattering and looking for cover.

Still others have just been huge beautiful backdrops for perfect spring picnics or playtime at the park.

On the other hand, the sunshine won’t last forever either. No matter how warm and healing the sunlight feels against your skin, we all know the clouds will eventually return.

We all experience cloudy skies in life.

Take a moment and think about the cloudy times in your life. A thin bank account balance. A sick child. The loss of a loved one. Stress at work. Tension at home. Car repairs you just cannot afford. A child that just won’t respond to correction. And on and on.

Aren’t you glad the clouds don’t come back?

No, Steph. Those clouds will never come back. Oh, similar ones may show up later on. But the difficulty you are enduring right now will soon end. You are going to make it. You will win. You just have to endure the current storm.

So what can we do? We can’t step off the roller coaster. We can’t call it quits.

We have to hold to our faith. We have to hold our family tight and make each moment count. We must place our trust in One bigger and stronger than we.

And know that, while they may seem dark, ominous and threatening. Those storm clouds will soon pass. And will never return.

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